The project consists of creating an indoor swimming pool on one level. This indoor pool is set back from the existing house to create a patio and set back from the dividing line to create a back garden pool. The connection with the house exist this fact by an interrelated glazed gallery.
We create a sequence between the house and the pool punctuated by vegetated outdoor spaces. This extension is also connected to the existing house by an underground gallery. The project consists of a succession of white arches and vertical windows (bay windows) and horizontal (roof glass slabs). The roof of the covered swimming pool is flat, not accessible and vegetalized.
The trees and some of the existing boxwoods on the plot will be guarded to preserve the landscaped quality of the land. External terraces will be created to give continuity between the interior and exterior of the project.
The project has great openings to follow the curve of the sun, increase the energy benefits and guarantee a constant transparency between the existing house and the wooded bottom of the plot.