Nous ne dirons pas ici ce que veut dire Nabito, ce que signifie “ne pas habiter”, ce que veut dire perdre les habitudes, nous ne demanderons pas à l’habitant ce qu’il habite, quels sont ses habitudes; non nous n’expliquerons pas la nécessité d’aller à la dérive, nous ne dirons pas ce qu’est d’être un radeau en mer, d’avoir voulu perdre ses profondes racines culturelles, de vouloir les retrouver, les reformuler ou les recodifier; nous n’affirmerons pas ici avec conviction que la culture contempo-raine soit capable de parler des langages différents et juxtaposés, nous ne dirons pas ici que l’époque que nous vivons est caractérisée par la fusion, l’hybridation, le métissage, par l’impossibilité des certitudes en plans d’incertitudes, qu’il existe des niveaux infinis qui échangent continuellement des renseignements; nous ne dirons pas ici que dans le doute réside la complexité du monde et dans le doute est tout le courage et la force de l’homme et que le non-douter est une faiblesse de fond dont on a peur; nous ne dirons pas que la science a besoin de plus en plus d’échanges réciproques et pas d’hypothèses exactes, que la multiplication de points de vue est un impératif actuel de relativisation; nous ne dirons pas ici quelle est l’importance de tout ceci, de combien il est important d’entrer dans le dynamisme synaptique de ces processus communicatifs, d’amorcer des dispositifs, des mécanismes d’action, d’analyser les phénomènes de RELATIONS. Nous ne dirons pas ici quel est le rôle important de la créativité et l’envie d’agir par pur plaisir, qui sont les affinités des arts radicaux d’avant-garde et quelles sont les distances qui font penser plus à un entrelacement entre imagination, technique et technologie, plutôt qu’à une scission. Nous ne dirons pas du sérieux fondamental du jeu comme instrument de croissance et d’apprentissage, de son action volontaire dans l’auto-formation de places pour la ré-création de l’âme. Nous ne dirons pas que la réalité est complexe, qu’elle est formée par la combinaison d’éléments simples infinis qui la codifient, et à quel point il est fascinant d’essayer de les décoder. Nous ne dirons pas de la répétitivité in-nombrable de ces possibles combinaisons, du cercle vicieux qui attire ses contraires dans un élan sans fin. Nous ne dirons pas que deux cellules égales n’existent pas, non plus entre deux cerveaux clonés en laboratoire et nous ne dirons pas que les hommes ne sont pas tous égaux; nous ne parlerons pas ici du sérieux par respect des individualités et des libres choix. Nous ne dirons pas donc ici de NABITO, cette plateforme qui s’est détachée, en abandonnant la “maison” et qui ne reviendra plus “comme auparavant”, mais pour toujours elle restera active, inquiète et flottante. Nous ne dirons pas avec le but de dire.NABITO ARQUITECTURA S.L. Barcelona Spain, Rome Italy. Addresses: City of Barcelona, Spain, Ramon Turro’ 11 tercer c.a.p.08005 Barcelona City of Rome, Italy, Via Luigi Tosti n.27 00179 Roma City of Frosinone, Italy, Via dei Monti Lepini 112 03100 Frosinone Spain: T: 0034.932257674 Fax: 0034 932257674 Mobile spain: 0034 677215557 Italy: T : 0039.0775.200740 F : 0039.0775.200740 Mobile ita : 0039 349 2188506 E-mail: Web Page: Founders: Alessandra Faticanti 07.04.1975 arquitecto superior Roberto Ferlito 27.10.1973 arquitecto superior Partners: Sebastiano Palumbo arquitecto superior Legal Adviser: Tomás Simón Canal avocados Staff from 2006: Susanne Bodach, Gabriel Aranda Morales (Mexico), Lisa Pavanello (Venezia), Nicolas Petillon (Bruxelles), Nam LeToan (Paris), Ana Luisa Natario (Lisboa), Miguel Gonçalves (Madeira), Diogo Alexandrino (Lisboa), Alexanda Belo (Lisboa), Alessandra Siriani (Firenze), Fabiène Cuny (Normandie), Franck Dibon (Paris), Mustard architects (Dijon), Morisia Scurti (Pescara), Sebastiano Palumbo(Roma) Current collaborators: Lucio Altana, Francesca Di Cintio, Davide Fois, Ricardo A. Tavares Saraiva, Jana Wolfart, Silvia Valeri, Slobodan Radoman, Damiano Bauco, Gianluca Sanità. NABITO ARCHITETTURA S.L. NABITO Born in Barcelona, Spain, from the will of Alessandra Faticanti (1975), University of La sapienza Rome and Ecole polytechnique Belleville de Paris France, and Roberto Ferlito (1973), University of La sapienza Rome and Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen of Gent,” Belgium. NABITO Is a multidisciplinary team based in Barcelona and active on the west Mediterranean territories including Italy, Spain and France, looking for similarities and differences. Its attempt is to redefine a different process of elaboration for a new contemporary culture, from the social and economic point of view. The goal of Nabito Arquitectura is to develop a cultural mix related to and in communication with parallel realities. NABITO Won the important European award “Nouveaux albums des jeunes architectes Paris 2006,” given by the ministry of culture. The Office won several competitions in Europe (including the last edition of Europan in the City of Ljubljana), starting to build its first buildings and open new offices in Rome and Frosinone,Italy. In 2009, NABITO won the Award “Cavalierato giovanile della provincia di Roma” for Art and Architecture. NABITO Is a Research Partner at the University of Politecnic Catalyna with the project Maresme 2.0, in Barcelona and Genova, and at the University of Trento with a didactic project for the development of the slow city between Trento e Bolzano (slow city). Nabito's design strategy focuses on answering the questions of sustainability, architecture, urbanism and territorial strategies in its projects. It is an active studio in the research field. Objective of our design approach is to conceive a product that is culturally valid and complete at every level: from design at the urban and territorial level, through restaurations, urban installations, temporary architecture, various inhabitable typologies, parks and gardens, public buildings and residential complexes of different entity. Alessandra Faticanti, Architect (1975) Graduated from “Sapienza University of Rome” (Italy) in 2002, including a period of studies at “L’Ecole polytechnique Belleville de Paris” (France). Since 2002 she is a registered architect as “Ordine degli architetti di Frosinone_ n628.” Faticanti collaborated in various profesional studies as the project supervisor at: Ian+ Roma Cloud 9 s.l Barcelona. In 2006, Faticanti founded “Nabito Arquitectura” in Barcelona. In the same year she wins an award for the top twenty young architects in Europe, “NOUVEAUX ALBUMS DES JEUNES ARCHITECTES,” presented by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of France.Faticanti was an Assistant Professor at the Architecture Department of “Sapienza University of Rome” in 2004, a Visiting Professor at “Institue for Advanced Architecutre at Catalonya – IAAC” where she taught on the subject “Genocities, Logica Abierta” in 2006. Since 2008 Faticanti is a Coordinator of the cultural programme “TOTS a La Escola” (Barcelona) for advancement of art skills during infancy. Roberto (Bebo) Ferlito, Architect (1973) Graduated from “Sapienza University of Rome” (Italy) in 2002, after having spent a part of his studies at “Faculteit Toegepaste Wetenschappen of Gent” in Belgium. Since 2003 he is a registered archtiect as “Ordine degli architetti di Roma_ n.15352.” Ferlito has collaborated on various projects as project manager at: Ian+ Roma, Archea Roma andActar Arquitectura Barcelona. In 2006 Ferlito founded “Nabito Arquitectura” in Barcelona. In the same year he wins an award for the top twenty young architects in Europe, “NOUVEAUX ALBUMS DES JEUNES ARCHITECTES,” presented by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of France. In 2009 he wins the award Cavalierato Giovanile, presented by the Province of Rome, for the category of art and architecture. In 2005 Ferlito was an Assistant Professor at the Architecture Department of “Sapienza University of Rome” (Italy). In 2006 he was a Visiting Professor at “Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalona – IAAC” where he collaborated with Professor/Architect Manuel Gausa on the topic “Genocities, Logica Abierta.” Ferlito was a Professor for the Master Intelligent Coast 2007: Maresme 2.0 at the University of Politecnic of Catalona, Barcelona, in 2008, he was a Professor at the same Institute for the Master Intelligent Coast programme topic: Maresme que futuro. Sinec 2008, Ferlito is a Visiting Professor at the Architecture Department at the University of Treno, where he taught on the topic “Beyond Planning,” and was a Professor and Tutor at the 2009 Workshop of IUAV in Venezia. Partners: Sebastiano Palumbo, Architect(1970) Graduated from “Sapienza University of Rome” (Italy) in 1999. Since 2000 he is a registered architect as “Ordine degli architetti di Frosinone_ n 547”. Palumbo has collaborated in several professional firms as project manager, and has also worked in the technical department of the Municipality of Frosinone Public Works (Comune di Frosinone Lavori Pubblici) as a designer and planner for all public projects from 2000 to 2006. Palumbo has worked with the company "Imagine Srl" Since 2009, and also collaborates as a partner in the professional studio "Nabito Arquitectura" in Barcelona, Spain.