As part of the broader "Go in Mura" project (MS municipality), we have prepared a comprehensive development vision for the Mura Nature Reserve (Krog, Bakovci). Two sites, including an "outdoor classroom", were implemented last year as a first step from a conceptual design with programming, landscape and architectural solutions. It is an open "shelter" with universal use (school children, hikers, groups, seniors, residents, etc.) in a carefully selected micro-location between the wetland (north) and the field path (south). The wooden structure with willow knots and a flat, green roof was conceived as a simple "rural structure", torn between memories of canopies on Pannonian farms on the one hand, and a distant, classical architectural language (the rhythms and compositions of classical temples, villas, etc.) on the other. We have also arranged an associated open space with a table and chairs, benches, info boards, footstools (all as a "low budget" execution with local craftsmen). Today, from the safe shelter of the colonnade, views of the Prekmurje horizon open up through the colonnade.