Two schools, one typology, infinite possibilities. For the Lessing Neighborhood School and the Alexander
von Humboldt Grammar School, AllesWirdGut and DnD Landschaftsplanung laid out a generous
extensive park landscape with free-standing, well-proportioned solitaire buildings. Positioned in a
staggered array, the structures are subtly gradated in height and thus align with the dynamic of the
marked step in the terrain. The shared multi-purpose building—the hub and center of the campus—is
situated on the visual axis between the two schools’ main entrances and provides an urban-planning
reference point that is visible from all sides. The compact units are all defined by straight lines and
articulated in a contemporary architectural language, which, for example, expresses itself in the uniform
clinker-clad façades. Inside the teaching buildings, the classrooms are arranged in a circle around a
central atrium like the blades of a windmill. Open areas and niches provide facilities for a variety of
forms of teaching and learning. The outdoor areas, which include a biotope pond, an open-air theater,
and crop trial plots, offer individually usable and community areas for all. A homogenous and futureoriented
campus that that seamlessly fits in with the existing built ensemble while creating room for
individual development.