25 Best Architecture and Design Firms in Paris

The City of Lights may be known for its uniform buildings and grand boulevards but that may change thanks to Paris’ best architecture firms.

Architizer Editors Architizer Editors

Paris is arguably one of the most romanticized cities in Europe and potentially the world. Its architectural history is rich, influenced by an array of architectural styles — from being the birthplace of Gothic structures to the renowned Belle Époque and the Art Deco movement. During the 19th century, one of the biggest urban planning programs was initiated by Napoleon III and directed by architect Georges-Eugène Haussmann: the city’s medieval neighborhoods were demolished, creating wider boulevards, new infrastructural systems as well as uniform façades aimed at dealing with Paris’s overcrowding, diseases and criminality rates.

In the 1980s, the “grands travaux” concept reimagined the city once more by introducing contemporary landmarks that have “moved” Paris to the next millennium, turning it into a hub of architectural innovation. Today, by blending historic preservation with contemporary design, famous architects like Frank Gehry and Herzog & de Meuron have added new, modern landmarks, including the futuristic Fondation Louis Vuitton and the strikingly modern Tour Triangle, that respond to the current architectural, social and environmental setting.

With so many architecture firms to choose from, it’s challenging for clients to identify the industry leaders that will be an ideal fit for their project needs. Fortunately, Architizer is able to provide guidance on the top design firms in Paris based on more than a decade of data and industry knowledge.

How are these architecture firms ranked?

The following ranking has been created according to key statistics that demonstrate each firm’s level of architectural excellence. The following metrics have been accumulated to establish each architecture firm’s ranking, in order of priority:

  • The number of A+Awards won (2013 to 2024)
  • The number of A+Awards finalists (2013 to 2024)
  • The number of projects selected as “Project of the Day” (2009 to 2024)
  • The number of projects selected as “Featured Project” (2009 to 2024)
  • The number of projects uploaded to Architizer (2009 to 2024)

Each of these metrics is explained in more detail at the foot of this article. This ranking list will be updated annually, taking into account new achievements of Paris architecture firms throughout the year.

Without further ado, here are the 25 best architecture firms in Paris:

25. Architecturestudio

© Architecturestudio

© Architecturestudio

Architecturestudio is an international architecture, urban planning and interior design practice founded in 1973, with offices in Paris, Shanghai and Zug. It brings together, around 13 partners, a multidisciplinary team of 150 people of 25 different nationalities. Its commitment to promoting architecture is reflected in a collective work that has won numerous distinctions. Architecturestudio is founded on shared knowledge and dialogue to increase the creative potential of a collective design. This approach promotes a plural understanding of the world, which achievements for more than forty years on 5 continents allow it to respond to the major challenges of the 21st century.

Architecturestudio relies on a wide expertise of projects carried out to develop its conceptual approach, responding to specific challenges for each case study.

Some of Architecturestudio’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Architecturestudio achieve 25th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 5
Total Projects 15

24. Antonini Darmon Architects

© Laurent Desmoulins

© Laurent Desmoulins

We founded the agency Antonini Darmon Architects in Paris in 2006. Our creative system was born from the partnership of two complementary yet different personalities. We aim to propose an original architectural interpretation, where each project follows a path having its own identity and dynamics. Our architecture is contextual: functionality, rigor and sobriety are combined in order to transform the project into an object of beauty. We are more especially dedicated to the new architectural and urban stakes involved with sustainable development.

Some of Antonini Darmon Architects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Antonini Darmon Architects achieve 24th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 5
Total Projects 10

23. Avenier Cornejo Architectes

© Avenier Cornejo Architectes

© Avenier Cornejo Architectes

Miguel Cornejo was born in Santiago, Chile and studied architecture in France (Paris Malaquais). He worked for Mathias Klotz (Santiago, Chile), Francois Roche (R & Sie (n)) and with other agencies such as XTU Paris, Jacques Ferrier & Galiano & Simon. Christelle Avenier, graduated from the School of Architecture Malaquais Paris and subsequently worked in various agencies including Deremer Architect Douglas (San Francisco, USA) & Mathias Klotz (Santiago, Chile).

After graduating with honors, they were short listed for the Robert Auzelle prize «Lumières de la Ville» and won funding from Electra (EDF) in 2000 for a project in Valparaiso, Chile. Christelle Avenier and Miguel Cornejo founded an architecture agency (SARL) together in 2008. Their approach is inventive, without preconceptions or prejudices.

Some of Avenier Cornejo Architectes’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Avenier Cornejo Architectes achieve 23rd place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 7

22. Chartier Dalix

© Chartier Dalix

© Chartier Dalix

ChartierDalix, architecture is envisaged as a built system combining the means to welcome life, poetry, and the commons. Whatever the purpose of the building, our main objective is to offer generous spaces, a quality of life and pleasurable places to be in. In our opinion, architecture is above all linked to the senses, to the human and to nature, it accompanies society and participates in its evolution.

We are convinced that it is important to strengthen the commons, just as in an ecosystem where everything plays a role. As in a garden, there is always something more to do for those who come.

Some of Chartier Dalix’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Chartier Dalix achieve 22nd place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 10

21. CUT architectures

© CUT architectures

© CUT architectures

Our practice as a 4 hands design studio started in 2005 and we founded our company CUT architectures in 2008. CUT, 3 letters standing for our aim to contrast deeply with the conformist Parisian Architectural practice and the expected positions and trends. Breaking the boundaries between architecture, urbanism, interior design & art we are taking the inherent qualities of every of these fields in order to initiate inspiring hybrid projects.

We don’t make hierarchical distinctions between an art installation, a piece of furniture, a shop, a flat, a set design, a house or a building and put the same effort with the same process: we first search for the optimal plan layout and the most effective section and we then implement the material which is the key to a project for us. Through material we create, reinterpret, divert, innovate.

Stainless steel, expanded metal or wood take part of the aesthetic aspect of a building as much as they are important for their inherent properties. This close relation to the material, the building elements and building processes are the guaranty of our knowledge of construction costs and the keeping of a budget.

We have a strong knowledge in project management from our former professional careers which we used and developed for our own practice. We are working on projects for municipalities and public housing developers.

Some of CUT architectures’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped CUT architectures achieve 21st place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 11




BFV Architectes is an architecture studio funded by Jean Bocabeille, Olivier Fassio and Jean-Brice Viaud.This acronym stands for more than 20 years of experience. It embodies both a historical continuity and a strong desire to grow together and broaden the scope of action. The idea of creating a new practice was obvious to the three men, as much as their will to keep building a consistent, efficient and meaningful kind of architecture. Bocabeille, Fassio and Viaud’s projects have been carried out either as collective journeys ([BP] Architectures, Plan01 or Fassio-Viaud Architectes) or individual adventures (Jean Bocabeille Architecte).

Some of BFV ARCHITECTES’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped BFV ARCHITECTES achieve 20th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 13

19. Architecture Patrick Mauger

© D. Boy de la Tour

© D. Boy de la Tour

The agency contributes to the transformation of the city, designing buildings that enrich life by multiplying their possible uses. The fields of activity are highly varied, ranging from urban spaces with studies to modify the reception areas in the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie and the northern Vilette esplanade (definition study) to interior architecture and design for the new layouts of the Louvre museum restaurants and delivery of the first “monolith”, inspired by an lfood on the terraces of the Richelieu wing. Through their uses, contexts and budgets, the projects reveal a strong personality and are characterised by the emphasis on materials, such as marble powder on a honeycomb structure and Corian for the Louvre, or The Arte Povera treated wood for the CROUS centre in Mabillon.

Some of Architecture Patrick Mauger’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Architecture Patrick Mauger achieve 19th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 20

18. Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects (DGT)

© Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects (DGT)

© Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects (DGT)

DORELL.GHOTMEH.TANE / ARCHITECTS is a partnership founded in January 2006 in Paris and practicing Architecture, Urbanism and Space Design.

Some of Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects (DGT)’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Dorell.Ghotmeh.Tane / Architects (DGT) achieve 18th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Finalist 3
Featured Projects 5
Total Projects 9




The PCA-STREAM agency brings together 90 architects, urban planners, designers, and engineers, capable of responding to the complex challenges of the contemporary world. PCA is the architecture and urban planning agency, STREAM, a unique transdisciplinary research program to which more than 150 researchers from around the world contribute, and whose work is widely disseminated and applied in PCA’s large-scale projects.

Some of PCA-STREAM’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped PCA-STREAM achieve 17th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 5
Total Projects 16

16. Dubuisson

© Dubuisson

© Dubuisson

Dubuisson is an architecture agency, based in Paris, Nice and Nantes. With an international and multidisciplinary team, it has around fifty employees: architects, interior des igners and engineers.The complementarity and transversality of its skills guarantee a project of high architectural quality, integrated and sustainable. Dubuisson designs and supports projects in all environments – tertiary, housing, retail, facilities – and in all dimensions of architecture: from town planning to furniture.

Some of Dubuisson’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Dubuisson achieve 16th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 8
Total Projects 19

15. NZI Architectes

© NZI Architectes

© NZI Architectes

We founded the NZI ARCHITECTES agency in 2012. Our association is based on a project approach by creative, complementary and participatory experimentation. Fervent activists for environmental innovation, our work is based on the search for contextual urban insertions, paying constant attention to sustainable development. We are lucky to be able to work on atypical programs that range from participatory housing to straw construction, but also from wood construction to the recycling of offices into housing.

This journey, enriched by the diversity of solutions we experience on programs, requires us to be combative to get out of the pre-established standards. Our work is oriented towards the exploration of other and innovative techniques.

Some of NZI Architectes’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped NZI Architectes achieve 15th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 5




GARDERA-D is a pluridisciplinary architecture agency established in Paris and Biarritz, France. The agency explores a wide scope of investigation and responds to a varied demand for projects, ranging from architecture (housing, workplaces, teaching, equipment ) to interior design and object design.

Each project is approached and studied in a specific way, according to an approach based specifically on a particular attention to usages of buildings and the search for an optimum level in the relationship between architecture and location.

Some of GARDERA-D’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped GARDERA-D achieve 14th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 8


© Sergio Grazia

© Sergio Grazia

Cédric Petitdidier and Vincent Prioux founded Petitdidierprioux Architectes in 2004. With more than forty staff and two offices in Paris and Lyon, PPX has completed more than forty projects, with just as many currently in development and in construction. Through its work, PPX has garnered expertise in residential housing, consistently striving for social mixing and ‘pleasurable density’ in an effort to reconcile individual and collective housing, including for high-rise buildings. Each project delivers thoughtful consideration of typological variations and the notion of comfort, through particular attention to context, orientation, materials and energy use.

PPX makes understanding any new situation the starting point of its process, and approaches each project free of preconceptions, always with a fresh, yet seasoned perspective.

Some of PETITDIDIERPRIOUX’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped PETITDIDIERPRIOUX achieve 13th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 4
Total Projects 13

12. Mikou Design Studio

© Mikou Design Studio

© Mikou Design Studio

Mikou Design Studio is a place of creation and experimentation in architecture and its inter-disciplinary cross-fertilisation. We work in a continuous workshop spirit with a multidisciplinary team of architects, engineers, graphic artists, scenographers and town planners from very different cultural backgrounds. Every project is an excuse for re-questioning and redefining the meaning of a brief, a function, and an urban, social and human context, in order to invent new ways of living, places for sharing and gathering that are more sensitive and more sensual, and which stimulate feelings. Our aim is to get away from preconceptions of form and function in order to transmit more and better.

Some of Mikou Design Studio’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Mikou Design Studio achieve 12th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 7
Total Projects 14




Our work rests on a fundamental principal: the mediation between engineering & architectural culture. It is our belief that successful designs can only materialize by fully synthesizing building technology and architectural sensitivity. Our approach to space is hence determined by a rigorous understanding of existing relationships between technique and culture, free of stylistic limitations, open to context.

Our designs cover a wide spectrum or architectural services from interiors to master planning services for clients in both the public and private sectors. Operating as one firm with two offices (Paris and New York) our portfolio of works spans from Europe to the Americas and includes residential, corporate, hospitality, civic, transportation, and mixed-use projects.

Some of STUDIO RAZAVI + PARTNERS’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped STUDIO RAZAVI + PARTNERS achieve 11th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 6
Total Projects 16

10. Nomade Architectes

© Nomade Architectes

© Nomade Architectes

Raphaël Chivot, Matthieu Laviolle and Vincent Le Garrec – open-neck shirts and no Rolexes – are self-made men. An early schoolboy encounter was important; a sail together across the Atlantic, decisive. An agency was born first from camaraderie, then friendship: Nomade… all clear on the horizon and open-mindedness at a maximum. Which means, no borders. Between Paris and Vannes (its two locations) the agency specializes in all projects. And it works everywhere. Nomade moves and grows.

Ideas swarm in the inventive minds of some thirty faithful co-workers who have taken to organizing themselves around centers of interest, from design to the worksite via research, communication and even computer science.

Some of Nomade Architectes’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Nomade Architectes achieve 10th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 7
Total Projects 15

9. Atelier Roberta

© Atelier Roberta

© Atelier Roberta

Roberta is a creature with three heads. Three backgrounds, three skills, three landscape practices united in a single vision of the project. Roberta pays very specific attention to sites and territories. She relies on her intuition and extensive field experience to open up new avenues for further study. She likes to travel, by train or by road. Every project is new. Roberta has no preconceptions, and hates recipes. She always asks herself the question of practicality, how to bring a designed project to life, and how to make it her own. She is also sensitive to new materials and technologies, and to innovations taking place on the other side of the border.

Some of Atelier Roberta’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Atelier Roberta achieve 9th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 2
Featured Projects 7
Total Projects 12

8. Moussafir Architectes

Born on October 15, 1957 in Katanga (ex-Belgian Congo) to an architect father. Family origins in Rhodes and Salonika. First architectural memories of the family home in Elisabethville, designed by Julian Elliott in 1957 and published in Udo Kultermann’s “New Architecture in Africa”. Studied architecture and art history under Roland Schweitzer, Yves Lion and Alain Pélissier at the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Tolbiac and Daniel Arasse at the Université Paris I Sorbonne. DPLG in 1993, founded Moussafir Architectes the same year, after 10 years of training and practice with Christian Hauvette, Henri Gaudin, Dominique Perrault and Francis Soler. First interior design projects (Apostrophe and IGAS headquarters, administrative departments of the Conseil d’Etat), then participation in numerous cultural competitions, alone or in association.

Some of Moussafir Architectes’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Moussafir Architectes achieve 8th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 2
A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 7
Total Projects 6

7. Franklin Azzi Architecture

© Franklin Azzi Architecture

© Franklin Azzi Architecture

Franklin Azzi and his practice, founded in 2006, develop a transversal approach stimulated by the intertwining of different views and disciplines. In constantly working on architecture, interior architecture, design and contemporary art, he develops a way of designing and building that is applicable to all scales and typologies of space.

From urban micro-architecture such as embodied by the Eiffel Kiosque and its prefabricated structure, to towers in Dubai and Paris, via conversions of existing buildings such as the Alstom market buildings in Nantes, his interventions are based on a quest for sustainability to meet the needs of all users.

Some of Franklin Azzi Architecture’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Franklin Azzi Architecture achieve 7th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 2
Featured Projects 9
Total Projects 27

6. LAN Architecture

(c) Jean-Marie Monthiers - © LAN Architecture

(c) Jean-Marie Monthiers - © LAN Architecture

LAN Architecture was founded by Benoit Jallon and Umberto Napolitano in 2002. The agency’s name echoes the partners’ intentions directly.  LAN is precisely the acronym of Local Architecture Network and it refers to the local design network applied and developed through specific field skills, experts and authors attending on the projects.The double nationality of LAN enables to bridge different European countries. In 2004 LAN architecture work was selected by the French Culture Minister for the “Nouveaux Albums des Jeunes Architectes” for its potential and talent. In six years time, the agency has earned a reputation and won competitions both in France and abroad.

Some of LAN Architecture’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped LAN Architecture achieve 6th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 9
Total Projects 25

5. Hamonic+Masson & Associés

© Sergio Grazia

© Sergio Grazia

Hamonic+Masson & Associés is Gaëlle Hamonic, Jean-Christophe Masson and, since 2014, Marie-Agnès de Bailliencourt, partner. The firm was founded in 1997, and was nominated for the Mies van der Rohe award in 2001 and awarded the Nouveaux Albums de la Jeune Architecture (Naja) in 2002.

The agency came to the attention of the general public in 2003 with the design of the Maison Métal, exhibited in the Parc de la Villette. This event placed it at the confluence of art and architecture, a flexible space that allowed for some exciting adventures and inaugurated a series of exhibitions and scenographies: co-curator of the French Pavilion at the Venice Biennale in 2008 as part of the French Touch collective, Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, etc.

Some of Hamonic+Masson & Associés’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Hamonic+Masson & Associés achieve 5th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 10
Total Projects 16

4. h2o architectes

© Julien Attard

© Julien Attard

h2o architectes is an office of creative architectural design also specializing in the restoration of ancient monuments. It is lead by three architects: Charlotte Hubert architect dipl. DPLG and historical preservation architect, Jean-Jacques Hubert architect dipl. DPLG founder of the office and Antoine Santiard architect dipl. EPFL who joined in 2008.

Established as a firm in 2005, the leading architects have had multiple collaborations since 2000. They have executed projects and won international competitions both as independent architects as well as for other major architects (Bruno Decaris, Jakob+MacFarlane, Bernard Tschumi). h2o works on a wide scope of projects and scales including historical monuments and sites, urban planning, architecture and design.

Some of h2o architectes’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped h2o architectes achieve 4th place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

Featured Projects 10
Total Projects 17

3. FREAKS freearchitects

© FREAKS freearchitects

© FREAKS freearchitects

freearchitects is a Paris-based architecture firm lead by three architects favouring prospection, research and experimentation through projects and building process practices from small scale art installations to large scale architecture competitions. Although nowadays their built projects are mostly located in France, FREAKS’s partners have lived and experienced a wide range of abroad working contexts such as San Francisco, Tokyo, Beijing, Berlin, Mumbai, Singapore & Istanbul.

Some of FREAKS freearchitects’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped FREAKS freearchitects achieve 3rd place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Finalist 1
Featured Projects 13
Total Projects 19

2. Atelier Zündel Cristea

© Atelier Zündel Cristea

© Atelier Zündel Cristea

Officially established in January of 2001, today AZC includes around thirty people organized into four areas: design, research, construction, and administration of projects. Our teams are made up of young architects from all over the world, as the diversity of our own respective Swiss-American and Romanian origins has brought us to an understanding of the interest in crossing cultures and transgressing boundaries. Consequently, the efficiency and creativity of our firm are bolstered by a constant effort in observing what’s going on elsewhere, in striving to work outside our country, in taking an interest in differences.

Each of our projects are embodied by a strategy of qualitatively occupying sites, without preconceptions regarding their geographic location, their programmatic requirements, or their scale.

Some of Atelier Zündel Cristea’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Atelier Zündel Cristea achieve 2nd place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
Featured Projects 13
Total Projects 50

1. Atelier du Pont

© Atelier du Pont

© Atelier du Pont

Atelier du Pont is a multipolar agency that combines public and private projects, architecture and town planning, interiors and exteriors, and reinvents itself with each new commission and encounter, developing an individual response to each specific context. This is a creative, serious, subtle interplay using a wide variety of colours, materials and styles to create spaces that are appropriate and imaginative, both outside time and of their time, life-enhancing for their users and inspiring for their designers. Since the agency was established, it has completed a range of public facilities all over France and built a large number of housing projects for social funding agencies and private property developers.

Some of Atelier du Pont’s most prominent projects include:

The following statistics helped Atelier du Pont achieve 1st place in the 25 Best Architecture Firms in Paris:

A+Awards Winner 1
A+Awards Finalist 3
Featured Projects 16
Total Projects 30

Why Should I Trust Architizer’s Ranking?

With more than 30,000 architecture firms and over 130,000 projects within its database, Architizer is proud to host the world’s largest online community of architects and building product manufacturers. Its celebrated A+Awards program is also the largest celebration of architecture and building products, with more than 400 jurors and hundreds of thousands of public votes helping to recognize the world’s best architecture each year.

Architizer also powers firm directories for a number of AIA (American Institute of Architects) Chapters nationwide, including the official directory of architecture firms for AIA New York.

An example of a project page on Architizer with Project Award Badges highlighted

A Guide to Project Awards

The blue “+” badge denotes that a project has won a prestigious A+Award as described above. Hovering over the badge reveals details of the award, including award category, year, and whether the project won the jury or popular choice award.

The orange Project of the Day and yellow Featured Project badges are awarded by Architizer’s Editorial team, and are selected based on a number of factors. The following factors increase a project’s likelihood of being featured or awarded Project of the Day status:

  • Project completed within the last 3 years
  • A well written, concise project description of at least 3 paragraphs
  • Architectural design with a high level of both functional and aesthetic value
  • High quality, in focus photographs
  • At least 8 photographs of both the interior and exterior of the building
  • Inclusion of architectural drawings and renderings
  • Inclusion of construction photographs

There are 7 Projects of the Day each week and a further 31 Featured Projects. Each Project of the Day is published on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Stories, while each Featured Project is published on Facebook. Each Project of the Day also features in Architizer’s Weekly Projects Newsletter and shared with 170,000 subscribers.



We’re constantly look for the world’s best architects to join our community. If you would like to understand more about this ranking list and learn how your firm can achieve a presence on it, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at editorial@architizer.com.

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