This new ensemble takes it cue in terms of form and materials from the building that stood here previously. With its differentiatied height development, varying from three to five full storeys, a long pitched roof and stepped gables on the end walls, the building reacts to the different dimensions in its urban context. Rhythm and articulation all along the main façade is achieved through projecting sections and bay windows. An alternating pattern in the clinker cladding at ground floor level and the upright course of bricks above the windows further underline the plasticity of the façade. On the street the entrances are located beneath each projecting bay and are slightly set back; they are given further emphasis by means of an angled wall. The main part of the building is supplemented at both ends by two separate wings, each projecting south. A clinker-clad ground floor provides the visual link with the main part. In total this residential development provides 62 cooperative housing apartments.