The proposal provides a model for grafting a singular substantial volume to an existing single storey semi-detached dwelling while capturing a centrally retained bathroom within the new volume, enabling old and new fabric to enmesh a unique spatial sequence along the length of the dwelling.
The generation of the design entailed two formal strategies.
1. A response to place in three acts involved extrapolating the line of the rear roof plane of the immediate adjoined dwelling to generate the singular roof and ceiling form, extruding this in plan to the rear alignment of this adjoined dwelling, followed by extension of an existing low roof level along the unadjoined edge to the new rear footprint.
2. The retention of the original front dwelling and existing bathroom enabled old and new fabric to stitch an alternating sequence of compression and expansion, enfolding a series rooms from the narrow hall and front cellular 3-room layout, to open release in a new Living room, followed by a compressed scale shift and downward level change into the heightened rear openness of a Dining, Kitchen and second Living space.
An arrangement of fine steel plate supports and highlight windows march along the entire low roof, bridging the high and low roofs and wrapping to the rear to enable access to natural ventilation, views to neighbouring landscapes, sky and natural light from somewhat challenged eastern and southern orientations - while pocket concealed sliding doors extend the living spaces onto a roofed terrace that directly connects to the enclosed private garden beyond.