"Next Tokyo" imagines a resurgent megacity, adapted to climate change through the realization of a high-density ecodistrict built on resilient infrastructure. The archipelago of reclaimed land supports transit-oriented development for a half-million occupants, while improving the resilience of Tokyo Bay against waterborne risks. Rising sea levels, seismic, and increased typhoon risk have raised consensus on the need for a strategy that offers protection to the low-elevation coastal zones surrounding Tokyo Bay. Next Tokyo addresses this city-wide vulnerability by providing coastal defense infrastructure that offers protection to the shoreline of upper Tokyo Bay. These resilient infrastructural elements function as the foundations for clusters of recreational open spaces and for high-density development across the bay, including the Sky Mile Tower, reaching over 1,600 meters in height. As a development strategy, a portion of the value generated from this new, desirable waterfront real estate would in return contribute to the cost of the municipal infrastructure needed to support it.