Founded in 1984, KieranTimberlake unites the expertise and talents of 90 professionals from diverse backgrounds in a practice that is recognized globally. In 2025, after 40 years as a founder-led firm, we transitioned to a 100% employee-owned corporation. Our projects include the programming, planning, and design of new structures as well as the conservation, renovation, and transformation of existing buildings, with special expertise in education, arts and culture, government, civic, and residential projects. We envision a beautiful, resonant, and regenerative built environment. We rely on collective intelligence and nonhierarchical production structures for gains in economy, efficiency, and quality.
Environmentally responsible design has been at the core of our practice since our founding. As a signatory of the American Institute of Architects’ 2030 Commitment and a founding signatory of US Architects Declare, we believe it is our collective ethical obligation to tackle climate change, social inequity, human health, and ecological fragility on every project. Our experience has led us to view sustainability as an integral initiative that makes its way into all decisions throughout the design and construction process. Updated every three years, we uphold our commitments through a Sustainability Action Plan that emphasizes our comprehensive approach to practice transformation in the built environment.
We have received hundreds of design citations, including the Firm Award from the American Institute of Architects in 2008 and the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award for Architecture from the Smithsonian Institution in 2010.