The work of feld72 pivots on the interface of architecture, applied urbanism and art. feld72 has implemented numer-ous projects of various dimensions in the national and inter-national context, a huge range including master plans, buildings, studies on urban development, interior and exhi-bition design, urban strategies and large-scale interven-tions in the urban environment. The multiple award-winning works are remarkable for a socially responsible, innovative and sustainable approach to architecture and urbanism. Tracking down and reinforcing the potential in locations and (social) environments is a fundamental element of feld72 projects.
Expanding the field of architecture within the context of the self-initiated project series “Urban Strategies”, the collec-tive has been engaged ever since the office was founded in 2002 in Vienna in tackling the issues of the use and percep-tion of the public space. Through numerous teaching as-signments at universities the approach and methodology of feld72 have been integrated into the academic discourse.