The creative challenge was to develop a powerful clinical identity, adaptable to a variety of layouts and scales. Moreover, the brand had to establish a strong presence in the medical community without following the typical elements of the dominating clinical environments. The inspirations for this clinic were Voronoi diagrams.
A Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions, Voronoi cells, hinting at cellular rejuvenation and reconstruction that takes place in plastic surgeries. The color and material schemes come as vital to showcasing the dynamic aspect of the whole concept. Black and its dynamic nature, is added to the dominant clinical white and blue lighting, with an aim to define the new clinical color palette. Sleek and glossy, interact with matte and rough finishes, while the reflections of linear lighting multiplies the poly lines of the layout on horizontal and vertical axes.
The reception was conceptualized as a crack on a solid wall, mainly to hint at layers of skin and resurfacing, while vintage car leather is used to add the elements of time, quality, and dynamism.