Project: New Shoe Shop
Budget: 450,000 Euro
Size: 340 m²
Location: Neumünster, Germany
Client: Fuss & Schuh Orthopädie GmbH
Collaborators: Urban Agency, Esplant GmbH
Type: Commission
Status: Completed
Team: Henning Stüben, Heechan Park, Dorte Børresen, Borja Santurino
Urban Agency is an international office for architecture, urbanism, landscape design and research. With offices in Dublin, Copenhagen and Lyon, Urban Agency’s work embraces the contemporary challenges for architecture, cities and built environment, to which it responds with pragmatic, sensitive, inventive and innovative solutions, creating new possibilities for a better everyday life.
We design robust projects that can absorb complexity and change, while maintaining and building-up on existing qualities. We believe in an architecture that promotes social engagement, creates democratic cities and spaces of social encounter – places which are aesthetically inviting and build a strong identity.