Project Description
R E Q U I R E D: Vision, Conceptual Master Plan, Conceptual Architectural Design
Y E A R: 2015
The proposed land by the GOPP, was meant to be designed as a huge business park, the biggest in Egypt. Since the land parcel is big, we approached the design thinking we want to keep it an open space, hence the verticality.
A concentric approach to the design, putting a centered tower as the main feature of the project, with all other things scattered around it or attached to it. The tower has the main services of the complex and serves as an icon for the city.
Taking its geometrical ideas and proportions from the Great Pyramid of Khufu, as well as pointing towards it, The Crystal Spark is a symbol for modern Egypt, and icon to look up to on the western side of Cairo, beyond the actual Pyramids of Giza.
Project Details
Ministry of Housing, Egypt