The new drone transport will change the way we perceive buildings. The project proposal intends to demonstrate innovative approach to drone transport integration with existing buildings in urbanized areas. Adding superstructure on the top of skyscraper might be the best location for skystation (drone station). It can become a trend-setting discovery, which can be implemented on several buildings with flat roofs along city skyline. Multiplication of the skystation might create a sky transportation network.
In the project, the particular emphasis was placed on sustainable construction solutions.
The height of the construction is always a problem due to the safety of workers. The famous image of New York's Workers on skyscraper’s metal beam will become history. The future workers will be drone robots programmed with step-by-step process of joining the prefabricated construction elements. The drone robot will be either operated by human or programmed before construction process will start. It is an answer for integration materials and operation methods in the whole building process, as well as increasing the quality of working conditions and people’s safety on height.