The platform is infrastructured with poles that come from the Firefighters world with diffrent application and usage, they become material to create a pubblic platform in which people can recognize the Fire Fighters General department and spend some sparetime. Theese poles become structure for the Fire Fighters Base and they form also the internal vertical distribution using spiral stair or descending pole, the facade is made using the elastic carpet also familiar to the firefighters world. The idea is to recall a circus and a playground place, to represent also the fun about the Firefighter important work. The depressed area in the middle of the platform is transformed into a “reflecting pool”, recalling the Washington DC one or recalling Central Park in NY, among the american most iconic monuments, in wich nature is surrounded by artificial elements. It can also be use by the firefighters and by the citizens of San Francisco as a swimming pool or to organize events on the water.
In the pubblic area (under the reflecting.pool) the poles are made as starting point to encourage pubblicstreet food market or celebration, there is just need to cover some areas, recalling the 1906 as a moment of solidarity among San Francisco citizens.