Located in the City of Wenatchee’s Columbia Riverfront area, the Pybus Market represents the culmination of many years of dreams for the Port of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee. The overall goal was to create a ‘sense of place’ and community that contains the essence of the history and culture of the City of Wenatchee through the renovation of a steel fabrication plant and site. The new Pybus Market establishes a permanent home for the Wenatchee Valley Farmer’s Market to become a local, regional, and tourist destination spot. The Market brings together regional food distribution and creates opportunities for new and emerging endeavors within the valley.
Working with the Port of Chelan County, Graham Baba led a complete renovation of the unheated steel structure into a conditioned and fully enclosed space. The guiding principle for the design team was to preserve the gritty industrial look-and-feel of the structure. Emphasizing the interior volume and its honest workman-like texture were the prime drivers guiding where and how to act on the building. The clarity of the structure with its simple “extruded” nature is its strength; the team avoided proposing any additions or alterations to the overall shape.