The project, called administratively "Rehabilitation of the Old School Square Minor of Archidona " located in the Plaza Ochavada and the street San José combines two distinct types of intervention, consisting on one hand, in acting on the heritage building that gives face to the square consisting primarily of a conceptual redefinition of its functioning and enhancer of its structural features and, at the same time, the approach of a new building facing the street frontage of the Street San Jose with its own capacity and specificity.The project uses order the requested program making it compatible with existing space capabilities into the historic building and also proposes a new volume for those parts of the program that require larger (cultural program). To this end we propose two types of interventions, on one side, to recover as much as possible the building of the XVIII, we located the areas dedicated to the representative room and the city hall, and on other hand on the new part to accommodate the program cultural: hall, exhibition hall, restaurant on the ground floor and offices on upper floors. Attached to the historic building, this new volume is a prism carving glass of marked independence in configuration and materials, in which a 'curtain of glass' designed to control the light, solve the transition between the old and new, obscuring the line of intersection of their respective planes of the facade.