Inspired by an enlightened school mission and the innovative culture of nearby Silicon Valley, this high school building offers a unique educational environment that encourages scientific inquiry, fosters a strong learning community and promotes environmental stewardship on a daily basis.
The 44,100 square foot Homer Center integrates a hybrid program of eight sophisticated science classrooms, an auditorium, dining hall, and student life offices. The design promotes scientific inquiry by linking the school's science curriculum to building functions throughout the seasons - how it breathes, uses energy and resists gravity. It builds community by offering a variety of inviting gathering spaces at the nexus of campus life. It models environmental stewardship by honoring the land, engaging the climate, and conserving precious resources. The building is designed to use 69% less energy and 50% less water than a typical U.S. school. It is the nation’s first LEED for Schools Platinum-certified educational building.