Memorial Wellness Clinic has been designed and projected by Zoom TPU for Memorial Group. In last five years, distinct raise for health structures in european side of İstanbul. At this point, In addition with healthcare projects, Memorial Group has wanted to create a new vision in wellness concept in healthcare sector with this Project. In 255 squaremeter area, doctor and operation rooms have planned to located together to provide waiting and rest rooms wide in entrance section. Created organic loges for guests who could rest and felt better like staying in a hotel lobby concept. In structural details of this place, reception bank and vertical seperation units which have curvilinear surface have designed with fiberglass material and giving wellness effect with its pearl white colour. Units have designed with 3D manufactoring technics. Also turquois colour acrilic struts have used continuing orbits of vertical fiber units. Each of them have formed movable structure in itself. In same spaces from waiting areas to wellness rooms, have used indirect lightenings which reflecting purity to create permeable surfaces on ceiling including with floors. On the wall surfaces from the enterance to rest rooms with the corridors, have used sea green colour glass to create a parametric integrity and 3D experience. Wellness rooms have designed with same pattern and lightenning criterias like other sections. And It also have designed integrity with some wooden elements to create the place more peaceful and warmer.