One of the works’ aims was to make this alley’s character striking and recognizable. To do that, we didn’t only use different implantations, but also a major façade renovation for the houses in the alley. Each house underwent an individual project, we chose sunny colors and variants of redecoration.
The prime principle of this design was creating an inclusive pedestrian environment, with maximum restriction of car traffic. To implement this, we decided to mark this territory as living area, narrow the driveway down to 3,5 meters, level all the boulevard space and give the pedestrians the movement priority in all directions.
Our second aim was to replace old dangerous trees with new highly decorative cultures, creating a new, vibrant, all-year-round and diverse appearance. We have designed a greenspace expansion project which included planting 28 species of trees on the alley, total 156 trees, and 19 species of bushes, total 394 bushes.
Above all this, the pavement includes decorative medallions picturing the Solar system planets and also a sunglass. All these elements together form the topical area “Solar system”. We’re planning to add to this space some street navigation and art objects, in long-term. One more topical area will be called “Rendezvouz point”. Here will be installed a decorative clock on a stand, quite a landmark to meet one’s date. We have already made the pavement, installed benches and bins.