Swirling air and legs alight and the lands are formed .... the Eggs open spilling out the mystery of Creation.....launching windswept Vessels transporting the sage song-weaver Vainamoinen ...... always to be rekindled.... recreated in Sampo's fiery light washed upon the shores .........in a whirling quiet of creativity. A Church boat has landed and the Kalevala singers and dancers have now passed on their voices to the next wave.............. We, like Vainamoinen have built our own boat upon Finland's shores. As we touched it night and day, we found together that same shamanic magic, we have found our Sampo , we have given birth to our own creation. We have rowed together and are launching a boat today that we travel between worlds , always breaking through the cracked egg and constantly rekindled by Sampo --- we sail on between America and Finland . Our threads are now woven together forever, the Kalevala sings in us. Mystery prevails and mystery unfolds, yet today the story is more sung than told. Inside the Kehto we alight upon the light filled sea, the alluring sky, and the shimmer of trees. It is Seurasaari, where the people meet. And as we all sit down, we are lifted up, surrounded and elevated in the wood cult's cradle . Here we find each other, here we hear the ancestors, and today they are here. We look into our own mirrors only to find that we are already found. We indeed are the ancient ones reborn in the timeless Kalevalakehto!