The Project is a new landmark building within the Gyeong-gi Province developed by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy creating a center of excellence for R+D for both domestic and international global partners. The high design facility is positioned as a gateway to the Pangyo-Techno-Valley Campus supporting companies specializing in high tech industries like Biotechnology (BT), Information Technology (IT), and Green Technology (GT). The primary programmatic component is 19.800 SM of R+D dry labs that serve as company rental and research lab facilities. The project also has wet lab facilities that require specific lab planning modules, floor-plate configuration and heavy mechanical support.
As a multi-tenant research facility, the building is designed to optimize plan flexibility with smart office space and raised-floor technology. Researchers are connected by multiple atriums and connecting walkways, creating change opportunities for communication and interaction. The idea is to promote synergy through cross-pollination of various domestic and international tenants triggering spontaneous brainstorming that increases opportunities for ideation and discovery. This is a proactive solution that supports a wide range of goals to achieve greater R+D outcomes between related domestic companies and research institutes throughout the region.