The GREEN HEART of Libramont fills the idle and misused space in the city center and links both sides of the railway tracks by a local and coherent spatial identity.
The former turnaround triangle area binds the living areas on its three sides into a new natural green space.
Libramont being shaped by its railway legacy, the design incorporates the former railway tracks on the territory of the turnaround triangle by structuring the site and serving as direct bicycle and pedestrian paths.
Vernacular and local architecture and urban elements and typologies are translated into new contemporary low to high density buildings. Individual design is encouraged while applying a local look and feel.
Cars and buses share the same space as pedestrians and bicycles. Car parking happens mainly underground.
The building typologies and their surroundings are planned in such a way as to offer opportunities for people to foster interaction in a direct neighborhood or in open public structures. Buildings are conceived in a manner to allow changes in use over time and will adapt this way to future generational needs.
Train passengers are greeted by the welcoming wide area in the underground passage. It's a place to stay, rather than a passage zone. Security is maintained on the whole site by light, proximity and activities.
The whole site may be developed in 3 major stages. Public transport, cars as well as pedestrians have access to the station and enough parking space is guaranteed during the process.