In addition to functioning as a catch-all for all of your nighttime necessities, a magnificent side table may elevate your luxury Dubai bedroom to enchanting new heights. It is the best illustration of form and purpose (your phone, a book, or a cup of tea). Another easy trick? Choose an antique object from the local thrift store, then paint it in your desired color. Not only will it prevent you from overspending, but it will also quickly and simply add a unique touch to the room (for more ideas, read our side table styling tips). As a general rule, keep the height of your side table 3 to 5 inches higher or lower than the top of your mattress. High-quality bedding is crucial since it serves as the room's focal point. If you're going to progressively renovate the space, we suggest starting here. The average individual sleeps for approximately 26 years, or roughly one-third of her life. This historical bedding fact may already be known to you, but we'll mention it again in case you need a refresher or haven't heard it before.
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