Launched August 4 1977, this underwater habitat is the first water house designed by Jacques Rougerie. This 56 tons semi-mobile habitat and laboratory is expected to host scientific and technological research programs. The variable ballast allows suspended anchoring at different depth (from 9 to 60 meters) with no impact on the underwater ecosystem and easy construction – that is what makes it so innovative. The oblong shape of its 7 meters long shell made of still is pierced with broad methacrylate domes of 2, 2 meters in diameter – just like balconies open to the undersea world. Capable to host 4-5 passengers for 1 up to 3 months, the vessel is stabilized through a flexible ballast system made of Neoprene fabric. For the first time a habitat of the kind is designed and equipped to initially adapt to the subaquatic life.