« Les recherches que l’on est ainsi appelé à mener surla disposition des éléments du cadre urbanistique, en liaisonétroite avec les sensations qu’ils provoquent, ne vontpas sans passer par des hypothèses hardies »Guy DebordThis experimental study is made under the light of the current high-rise debate in Paris, took part hereis to install this great height in the heart of Paris in the Montparnasse district, one of the centers of the“modernist divide” in France . Is it possible to exceed the limits of densities now considered criticalto create a new type of urbanism? That is its object, arguing that it is now necessary to maintain “anatmosphere of discomfort extremely supportive of the introduction of some new notions of pleasure,” asGuy Debord write superbly.Because the issues of cities, both socially and environmentally, must lead us to completely rethink howto build and equip, density, far from undermining the attractiveness of a place, provides fertile ground foropportunities for rich interaction and original mix of individuals and activities. This scenario is trying tooffer a real alternative with experimental proposals in a political and urban radical spirit.Project Components1 - A perforated base simplifying the large underground flows.2 - A covered walkway connecting the four different levels of the station with the five tower.3 - Four mixed use tower two hundred and ten meters high, completing the Montparnasse Tower.4 - Public spaces, on the basis, heart and summit of the towers, completed with facilities and shops.5 - Housing and offices separated vertically in the skyscrapers.6 - An experimental type of housing extended by larg eshared conviviality areas.