Functional stratification
The various facilities are no longer spread out, but linked together and interwoven between the departments for outpatient care and for diagnostics, the ICU and the operating theatre. This encourages cooperation and knowledge exchange. The facilities are organised so that the outpatient facilities and emergency room are located downstairs in the most dynamic environment, whereas the nursing rooms enjoy the tranquillity of the upper floors.
Natural light and orientation
The public area offers structure and an overview. The atrium provides an orientation point as well as natural light to the building facades, even in the areas located at the lowest levels. In the outpatient facilities and the nursing ward, the waiting rooms, corridors and stairwells are all located along the facade of the building. This offers views of the passageway, the atrium, the city and the greenery, helping to reduce stress levels experienced while waiting and encouraging the use of the stairs.
The patient’s perspective is key
The hospital works with patient-related themes, where the atrium and the connecting intersections form the heart of every theme. Patients can always find what they need for their specific concerns. In addition, the hospital only contains single patient rooms. This contributes to the recovery process by improving privacy, tranquillity and hygiene. Consideration has also been given to independence. Patients in the nursing ward can open up their windows and look out onto the green rooftops from their rooms. Unique in the Netherlands. An impressive combination of care and innovation. The Erasmus MC is continually transforming itself.
Flexibility, geared toward the future
As far as possible, the nursing ward and the outpatient facilities share the same layout. The uniform layout is extended throughout the entire building shell, providing a sense of familiarity, flexibility and efficiency. In addition, the shell of the building is separate from the interior. This allowed for the latest concepts and technical developments to be included in the design plan and in the choice of the medical technical design. The Erasmus MC is geared toward the future and the health of tomorrow.
Sustainable is economical
The hospital has the Pharmafilter installation at its disposal. Green rooftops provide for delayed drainage of rainwater. In addition, warm and cold energy storage is utilised.