When Cornerstone Church
outgrew their building, they bought land and built on a new site. The
new, 59,300 square foot, church campus features a 900-seat Sanctuary,
Youth Ministry Center, Children's Wing, Offices, Prayer Center and
Counseling Suite, all centered around a Café Hub. Acoustics By Design
made recommendations for comprehensive acoustical engineering and AVL
systems design for the project. Our professional engineers modeled the
spaces in 3D to predict the aural response. Next, we designed solutions
for room acoustics and noise isolation. Acoustical clouds were added to
the sanctuary to enhance congregational singing. We worked with the
architect, Progressive AE, to recommend acoustical finishes that were
both effective and attractive, fitting with the building's aesthetic.
Our AVL designers developed technical system designs for Audio, Video,
and Theatrical Lighting. The church has recently moved into the new
and the congregation's response to the acoustical environment and the
AVL Systems has been outstanding. The church truly sounds as good as it
looks.Project TeamOwner:
Cornerstone Church, Caledonia, MI Architect: Progressive AE, Grand
Rapids, MI Mechanical Consultant: Progressive AE, Grand
Rapids, MI Electrical Consultant:Progressive AE,
Grand Rapids, MIAcoustical Consultant: Acoustics By Design,
Grand Rapids, MI Audio Consultant: Acoustics By Design,
Grand Rapids, MI Video Consultant: Acoustics By Design,
Grand Rapids, MITheatrical Lighting Consultant: Acoustics
By Design, Grand Rapids, MIAudio Video Contractor: Parkway
Electric, Holland, MI