Weight can be felt, but does feeling have weight? The strength of thought in tugging out the tension at the threshold between matter and imagination, for creators, is to return to the nature of architecture and practice its uniquely creative energy.
Developing three concepts relating to weight to describe and develop the materiality and spatial characteristics they present. These three starting points provide feeling with different layers of weight sense.
The architectural device created through the consideration of these starting points is an experiential work. It changes the weight of the space into which it is placed, symbiotically creating an elastic state. On the other hand, it responds to each body entering the state of the artwork.
Continuous Rain shows different marginality and temporality for the inside and outside of space; the clouds have light contrast and are difficult to touch; the directionality of the rain’s response is continuous like the changing landscape, so that the artificial and nature can both have sound, tactile sense, and warmth, full of the poetic sense of matter.
Floating Island was compressed out from the ocean surface, and exists for cutting off all regular connections. The invisible and thick-bottomed continuity, the changing water level and margins of elevation are extremely far but also extremely close, possessing conversions of different scales and environmental views on the outside and on the inside.
Suspension Bridge exists for connections, exploring the location of bodies, delineating the boundary between the natural and the artificial. Lightly touch the earth, as weight is presented as light swaying, with immediate and hand-related considerations of space.
The familiar myths always depict light imaginings, to reflect on and gaze at real weight;
Lightness and heaviness respond to the body, not only cutting but also connecting, for contemplation of the nature of architecture.