"Space: a concept and proposal: Spaces to meet, socialize and interact. Spaces to build cities and citizenships. Spaces with roots in history but settled in the present. Spaces stationed in dialogue with their environment, geography and landscape. Spaces for the time display. Spaces that are discovered by walking. Cosmic spaces crossed by the elements: air, water, fire and earth. Sensorial, visible, tactile, fragrant spaces. Living spaces, transformable. Spaces where aesthetics is politics. Living spaces: places in the world” – Rogelio Salmona.
The particular and the collective
The municipal administrative center of Marsella (Marsella CAM) is not just a building that solves a local problem, an institutional building is a brand and a reflection; marked as a symbol of the state and continued tangible government presence, and reflection because it is not only an element to the authorities, but also to the community that rules, is ultimately a public building and a identity piece to the city.
The city is the structure that reflects the state: the state building then takes civic characteristics of the city and the plaza, the sidewalk and the street; and common characteristics of housing as the courtyard, walkway and balcony.
These elements transform the site, set of activity containers in which the people produce the actions, in the case of public workers and citizens who come to them to solve their problems.
The building re-interprets the elements and operations present in the patrimonial environment in which it is inserted, for this reason are not external to it, common elements of the architecture of the coffee region: the eaves, the gallery and the hall invite to join, the central courtyard becomes the square that receives citizens and on its edge the atmosphere of the city is developed: people who pass, people waiting and people watching, are contemplated from the walkways that are facing the square; It is after all a city, a house, the house of all state building, government and the community.
From the particular to the general
Developing the architectural object within an environment of heritage features, the historical center of the city included in the declaration of Coffee Cultural Landscape; means being aware of the logic that is consolidated the place, is not only known or highlight technical or quantifiable aspects (without discrediting the importance of them), but understanding how people have appropriated the urban space, and how the square is where the daily history of Marsella is developed, and as a key part in determining the identity of citizens to their city.
On the western side of the square the place has always been the center of township government, defining and shaping the block is the first step towards the effective recognition of the site, understand the territory from its peculiarity, the project is seen as an integral part of the block that receives and the block is now a unit at the city scale and is responsible for consolidating and giving context to the Plaza of Marsella.
The square and part of it is a collective space that is surrounded by the most important activities and buildings for daily living in the municipality, the most important civic events are held as political demonstrations or fairs and festivals, etc. in the square, but also common actions that contributes equally to the high valuation, use and appropriation that has this space.
The edge of the square groups, as is common in the towns of the region, the most relevant public and private institutions are around it, the church, the most important business and houses of important families of the town; these particular context manifest symbolic implications of the location of the center of government in this place, gathering in the ecclesiastical and civil powers, and with them the community represented in the square and other buildings that face It.
The new building of the civil power is installed preserving the proportions of the frame of the square, not being protagonist not for formal speculation or attempts to copy banal figurative styles but by their poetic impact, to offer the city a space for civic action, a space for political and meeting: a place for citizens. and from, the people that observe vigilant, to face the square and the church; but being a neutral observer, recognizing the history and memory, seeking not to interfere in the traditions involving the site where it is located.
Reinterpreting the singular
A key aspiration with the project is to conserve the heritage facade sequence without falling into the figurative. Therefore the image of the building due to the reinterpretation of the typical elements of coffee architecture with balconies, friezes and eaves, that materialized with the traditional construction system of mud and with the detail as a policy to materialize, architecture being the outcome of these reflections a distinctly new building with character, but without ignoring and instead respect the architectural objects of those who have made presence in the square since the foundation of it.
The image of the building is heavy, monolithic but in turn with intermittent transparencies that become frames, you can perceive through these something that happens inside, as if it were a constant invitation to the meeting, congregation of the city with the building that represents and welcomes people of Marsella. Operations of the facade are designed as frames from inside the building, prevailing visual facts of the site to produce a constant remembrance of the place where the resident is, and from the outside such frameworks invited to be part of the public building.
"Architecture is an art of space and time because it allows infiltrating and heart beating senses, perceiving its passing. Just as music is disclosed gradually with reason and with sleep. It is a continuous mistake, always surprising, always ephemeral. And when he could go beyond the constructive fact, he did it because he knew excite and relied in good time, be subtle and constant accomplice. "
- Rogelio Salmona.