Attefallshus The 3rd Epic Wave, a compact house with a contempory architecture and smart living solutions. Despite its limited living space of 21 sqm plus loft it appears "big" thanks to the big window wall. The projected building area is 25 sqm.
The combined livingroom and kitchen is surprisingly functional. The loft ladder has been replaced with a steep and fixed staircase. Beneath the stairs you´ll find a hidden cupboard in which shoes etc can be stored. The smart clothing hanger above the stairs can be moved aside when access to the loft is required.
Beneath the loft there is a small bedroom/office and in conjunction to this you´ll find the toalet/shower. On the outside/exterior you´ll find an outdoor shower (beneath the staircase).
To get a better feeling for the architecture visit youtube. Press the link below under "articles". The clip should be watched at 1080p.