Research/ theory/ design ... Vision IncludedWe believe in a multidisciplinary approach in which we use creative brainstorm sessions with different disciplines from the start of a design process to stimulate innovate concept developments. Participants include artists, (fashion) designers, managment consultants, urban research groups, sociologists, management consultants, etc.Within the contemporary build environment and the architectural discourse in particular, vision seems to be lacking, though architecture is getting more and more involved in aspects that used to be beyond its reach. Suddenly it has the power to act, to gain momentum, as we develop partnerships with collaborators around the globe, designing disciplines up front. “Society needs the importance of architecture.”What we need now is a radically updated vision that grasps individual potential together and that embraces collaboration as a tool to implement an integrated design process."Where there is no vision, the people perish."As long as we are able, and willing, to activate partners and establish consistent relations, we can create the next generation. With Vision Included.