PEG office of landscape + architecture is an award-winning design and research office based in Philadelphia, PA. We engage a wide range of projects in terms of content, scale, and medium. Whether through competitions, writing or client-sponsored work, we explore the overlapping terrain between the disciplines of architecture and landscape architecture. Utilizing the techniques or conventions inherent in one discipline enables us to scrutinize the conventions of the other in order to imagine new formal and material arrangements. This does not, however, lead to the uniform application of technique. If we believed in manifestos, ours would be that scale matters.
A consistent pursuit driving our work is how diversity – visual, physical, social, or programmatic – becomes manifest within various scales and materials. We have characterized two primary strains that make this approach operative: variety and variation. Though not always exclusive of each other, large-scaled works should foster a variety of experiences and characterizations by operating extensively – connecting to larger networks, such as circulation, natural systems or urban patterns. At the opposite end of the spectrum, small–scale work allows us to operate intensively, utilizing geometric variation. Instability is rendered visible in material and pattern through processes of fabrication or construction.
Since its founding in 2004, PEG has received numerous awards, including three AIA awards, an I.D. Design Award, and was recently featured in Architectural Record’s Emerging Practices. PEG is Karen M’Closkey and Keith VanDerSys.