Hi! We’re Parallel Lab.
We do urban strategies, architectural projects, interior design and art installations but our fundamental preoccupation is space and how the experience of it can get you high.
We’re not afraid of constraints and think that they’re often the starting point to stimulate creativity. However it’s not about problem solving, instead we believe that design should trigger the user’s behaviour and re-question our habits and a priori. For that our activities are constantly shifting between the parallels of research and practice.
We’re based in Hong Kong.
Our Founders Caroline Wüthrich and Géraldine Borio have started the lab in 2010 but their collaboration begun in 2007 on a large-scale project/research in Bangkok. Prior to our existence they have worked as architects in Tokyo, Beijing, Geneva, Zürich, Peru and Hong Kong. Both graduated from the Swiss Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland (EPFL | ETH), Caroline Wüthrich is Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Géraldine Borio is Teaching Fellow at the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Poly U).