SUMMARYMUKA group is an architectural firm whose partners are specializing in different fields: residential, commercial and industrial architecture in domestic and international markets based out of Madrid, Spain.Moisés Royo is the responsable for MUKAarquitectura.MISSIONThe firm will provide architectural services, research and education at university using technologically superior processes, providing greater value for clients and enhanced design and construction.OBJECTIVESThe most significant challenges ahead include securing a suitable location, establishing the initial client base, and ultimately positioning the firm to be able to have a presence in a larger, global market.Focused on architecture, landscape, new urban contexts and energy efficiency.CLIENTSThe target client is segmented into four categories; home owners, developers, government, and contractors. MUKAarquitectura's competitive edge will be the knowledge of energy efficiency-based design resources. Superior customer service will also be a point of firm differentiation.With this new form of media the client doesn't have to know anything about architectural graphics or terminology (floor plans, sections, elevations & construction documents) to have a clear understanding of what the end result will look like. This is possible through the use of computer-rendered images and interactive video.KEYS Provide a service that is technologically superior to the competition's.Utilizing a diverse staff of architects to provide a wide variety of product styles.A large array of global connections.