michelangelo acciaro | architetti create architecture and art, working on new technologies, culture and urban strategies.
The studio aims to be an independent and flexible platform integrating freelances of different cultural backgrounds, in a position to generate new ideas and projects. We don’t restrict ourselves to resolve only the technical and functional aspects of an urban planning or a building design project, but try to interweave new forms with solutions in integrated urban contexts, searching for possibilities of confrontation within the current evolution of the architectural tradition.
Our main challenge is tying together a professional completeness including complex planning programmes of whatever scale with an experimental dimension devoted to research. The participation in a large number of international competitions and the conscientious analysis of every connected outcome is permitting a continual enhancement of capacities amongst all joined members, without having any effects on the costs of our clients.
Within the years, public, residential and commercial buildings, public spaces and urban projects have been realized, availing ourselves, if necessary, of a stable network of specialist consultancies.
Furthermore, michelangelo acciaro | architetti are designing components for interiors, furniture, exhibitions and installations.