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CaixaForum Cultural Center in Seville


Gold Medal of Spanish architecture 2016; Spanish Architecture Prize, 2005, Andalucía Architecture Prize, 2007; Arpafil Prize (Guadalajara, Mexico), 2006; Great Prize of the Buenos Aires international Biennale, 2011; Honorary member of the American Institute of Architects, AIA 2014. His works have been awarded with numerous prizes, among which are the ArchDaily Building of the year Award 2018, The Plan Award 2015, and several international architecture prizes as the Chicago Athenaeum Museum in 2015 and 2018, the Ibero-American Biennale Prize 2014, Premio Palmarés Architecture Aluminium Technal 2013, the European Prize Ugo Rivolta, 2008, ASCER Prize, 2006; the C.E.O.E. Foundation prize in 2001 or the Costrumat prize in 1989.
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
