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GRO Architects

Projects 8

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BPR - Best Pedestrian Route

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UMMA: New Haven

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Docking Stations

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MoC MoC Japanese Cuisine

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Best Pedestrian Route

GRO Architects

GRO Architects is an award-winning architectural practice that privileges the integration of emerging technologies to respond to client needs, project complexity, and collaboration between disciplines. Our work is situated between design and construction, however does not function as a traditional design-build practice. GRO occupies a space in which the design of material architecture is virtually co-mingled with the design of the process of building, and through which construction oscillates between the creation of information models, and the actualized built work. Through the conceptualization of how new digital protocols augment, challenge, and change the authorial process of design we create novel opportunities for our practice.Working at scales large and small on a range of projects from interior commercial work to ground-up residential projects and temporary exhibition design, our work at GRO Architects explores and questions aspects of innovative design output enabled by digital tools, including fabrication, energy simulation, logistical sequencing, data translation and parametrics. Such research is equally integral to the academic work of partners Nicole Robertson and Richard Garber. Nicole Robertson teaches digital design studios in the Barnard and Columbia Architecture program and in the Graduate Program in Architecture at the School of Constructed Environments at Parsons, The New School.  Richard Garber is a tenured Associate Professor  at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.  Our academic research has been further articulated in a volume of Architectural Design (AD) entitled Closing the Gap: Information Models in Contemporary Design Practice guest-edited by Richard Garber in 2009. We have situated GRO Architects in the space between design and construction in a way that privileges iteration between the virtual operations and the material actualization of our work so that novel typologies and processes emerge, a position that has yielded a growing practice, two provisional-patents and numerous design awards since its inception.  GRO Architects received an AIA Merit Awards for Built Projects in 2008 from the AIA New York Chapter for Best Pedestrian Route, and an AIA Merit Award for Built projects from the AIA New Jersey for the PREttyFAB House.  This project was also awarded a Green Award from the Jersey City Redevelopment Agency in 2009.  GRO Architects has been widely published including Metropolis Magazine, Dwell, Azure, Architectural Record, The Architect's Newspaper, and the New York Times.
Company Type
Architecture / Design Firm
fax: 212-346-0706
work: 212-346-0705


Junior Architect
Junior Designer
Junior Designer
Project Designer
