C+S is and architectural office based in Italy.The office works internationally in the different fields of architecture: masterplans, full architecture services, interior design both for the private and the public sectors. The office is following about thirty current projects all over the world.C+S won many important international competitions for public and private buildings: Cinema Festival Palace in Venice, Policlinic Hospital in Milan, Tenova headquarters in Verese, housing complex in Japan, university students’housing in Murano (Venice) and law court of Venice which are in the construction phase. Their projects are published in the main international architectural reviews: Abitare (Italy), AD (Great Britain), Area (Italy), A+U (Japan), Bauwelt (Germany), Casabella (Italy), D'Architettura (Italy), Detail (Germany), L’Architecture d’Aujord’hui (France), Loggia (Spain), Spazio e Società (Italy) and their work was shown in many different exhibitions.They exhibited in the 15th Venice Architecture Biennale.TranslationArchitecture™ aims to unpack the complexities of the environment through architecture. Engaging and re-inventing the site itself, as a space rich of potentialities, reconfiguring the boundaries of the programs, re-writing the features of the place (materiality, topography, strata, culture, socio-political and economical expectations), cross-sectioning through the different specificities of the disciplines involved, engaging bottom-up approaches, architects are able to reinvent both the boundaries of their of interventions and their role in contemporary, dealing with the whole of the built environment. Against both the imitation of the past and the temptation of the odd, fashionable and spectacular, TranslationArchitecture™ enables a contemporary as well as continuous form of urban development. Fashionable events and star architecture are considered the generators of a new global monotony. Instead unfamiliar elements are introduced to add a new flavor to the whole atmosphere in the aim of solving a problem in a creative and unconventional way. Cappai and Segantini believe that high quality in architecture can be achieved by a constant dialogue in very different directions, translating the desires of clients, consultants, contractors and final users together with the landscape and its ecological demands. This attitude to dialogue and translation, which regards research, teaching, architecture design, fabrication and communication, is able to merge concepts such as scale, materiality and detailed design together with budget constraints ensuring the best results in a synthesis of functional, beauty and concept integration. Understanding the fragments of the ordinary and allowing them to interfere in any new design, require a great deal of empathy. Building Future Heritage is the challenge of contemporary.