Co-de-iT is a connectivity HUB for computation, design, research &
teaching in architecture. Project development and consultancy happen
here, both first person by our team members or by building
communication with specific required knowledge subjects, bridging
different fields to the project.Co-de-iT promotes (in Italy and
abroad) events and workshops about digital tools and generative
methodology into architectural and design process.Co-de-iT
operates as a catalyzer in the architectural process to trigger and
engage (both conceptually and technically) levels of complexity and
differentiation as an evolved answer to project instances that range
from conceptual design to personalized fabrication."In short,
all is nature. Anything is a product of a process in nature, and any
kind of operation made in the environment is a process in the system.
Processes are based upon codes and algorithms; the concept of nature is
not in the substance of things but in the relata established among the
various elements; this web of relations is the logical structure (form)
that shapes things in nature, it is the code, while processes are
algorithms based on that code."[Alessio Erioli, Processing Nature]