Miguel Cornejo was born in Santiago, Chile and studied architecture in France (Paris Malaquais). He worked for Mathias Klotz (Santiago, Chile), Francois Roche (R & Sie (n)) and with other agencies such as XTU Paris, Jacques Ferrier, Galiano & Simon ...
Christelle Avenier, graduated from the School of Architecture Malaquais Paris and subsequently worked in various agencies including Deremer Architect Douglas (San Francisco, USA), Mathias Klotz (Santiago, Chile) ...
After graduating with honors, they were short listed for the Robert Auzelle prize «Lumières de la Ville» and won funding from Electra (EDF) in 2000 for a project in Valparaiso, Chile. Christelle Avenier and Miguel Cornejo founded an architecture agency (SARL) together in 2008.
Their approach is inventive, without preconceptions or prejudices. Each project is a new reflection, each expectation has several answers but, above all, their architectural goal is to provoke a fertile reaction.