The Atelier Utrabo
Monteiro was set up in Curitiba (Brazil) in 2008. The atelier is fruit
of the union and concern of Juliano Monteiro and Gustavo Utrabo in a
continuous search of new and open possibilities.
We believe in the
importance of the process as a tool of contemporary questioning, and
part of the new dialectic searching, disregarding the no academic
pre-defined formalities.
We search spatial
qualities through questions based on confrontations: social, political,
philosophical, than the speed of the shocks, trade relations and the
urban present. We believe in the fluidity of the developer event space
as more than human relations, of the many now living. There are exchange
relationships in new interpretations of existing urban barriers, which
enables us to re-assess the urban built element, confronting the public
and private space in a city that does not have the speed of change
required to meet the future demands of its population.