Established in 1978 by Luis Alonso and Sergio Balaguer, theirhead office is presently in Barcelona and they also haveoffices in Santiago de Chile, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, NewYork, Bogotá and Lima. Their 50- strong team specializes inArchitecture, urban planning, interior design, industrial designand graphic design.It is precisely that determined and unswerving internationalgamble which underlines and defines their present standingwith more than 700 projects and completed commissionsillustrating the geographically diverse extent of theiraccomplishments (Chile, Columbia, Peru, Kazakhstan,Ukraine,Poland, Morocco, Algeria, China......). Work whichincludes skyscrapers, sports centers, hotels, hospitals,commercial and leisure centers, housing projects,multifunctional buildings, etc.Their new workplace which they created is located in an oldrefurbished building known as «Espai Baronda», in Espluguesde Llobregat (Barcelona), and is an example of the how toregenerate disused buildings using new and innovativemethods of operating between public and private sectors,making interests and objectives coincide, and therebyoptimizing resources.Their most representative projects include the former LasArenas bullring reconverted into a Recreational and ShoppingCentre in Barcelona, the Hesperia Tower skyscraper inBarcelona, the O2 Wellness Centre and the InternationalAdvanced Medicine Centre (CIMA) in Barcelona, the 4 newskyscrapers in the Plaza Europa Square in l’Hospitalet, thenew Protos winery in Peñafiel and the two l’Illa del Cel towersin Diagonal Mar, Barcelolna.Buildings currently being designed or constructed include thetallest skyscraper in South America in Bogota (250 m), theIberdrola Business Training Campus in Madrid, the new Nasticde Tarragona football stadium and the Kazakhstan SportsPalace located in the city of Almaty.Their entrepreneurial mindset has led them to be foundingmembers of companies such as O2 Centers Wellness (14centres all over the country), Duet Sports (11 centres in thiscountry) or Ancient Baths in the USA.Likewise, they have just won a tender for the project andbuilding of the Olympic Village in Rio, 2016, for journalistsand referees.