alexis dornier was born in germany in 1981, where he grew up under the constant influence of aviation and engineering. after exploring the field of pr and advertising, he studied architecture at the berlin university of the arts and the kungliga tekniska högskolan in stockholm. he worked in new york city as an architectural designer at asymptote architecture, oma-ny, and rex in the years of 2004-2007.
alexis started his industrial design firm M AD LIMITED in 2008 and graduated with his thesis ‘the pool’, that was awarded the prestigious ‘max taut prize 2009’.
Alexis is now consulting on a number of architectural projects of different scales in various countries.
the philosophy of his architectural practice is to combine and reformulate design methods for each architectural design task. an (architectural) task is its own case, its own matter, problem and affair. a set of rules forms a logical, explanatory and comprehensive design narrative that leads to efficiency and a strong expression of our built environments.