The Line that Divides Us: The Shocking Visual Reality of Economic Inequality
Perhaps these snapshots of Mexico City’s reality can help us, in cities all over the world, acknowle dge, address and break down the walls that divide us.
In-depth case studies on amazing architecture and the building-products that helped make it a reality.
Perhaps these snapshots of Mexico City’s reality can help us, in cities all over the world, acknowle dge, address and break down the walls that divide us.
The new Kalø Tower in Rønde, Denmark, gives visitors an unexpectedly intricate spatial experience in side a 700-year-old medieval ruin previously inaccessible to the public.
One of the most viewed articles on all of Architizer is this 10-fact guide to the next world’s-talle st building, theJeddah Tower in Saudi Arabia, set for completion in 2020. This feature’s long-standing popularity is symbolic of our collective fascination with building tall, which has been something of an obsession for the human race since civilization…
Brick & Wonder is a curated platform of the highest-quality homes for sale worldwide. Launched b y Lang Architecture in 2016, Brick & Wonder provides access to homes in the marketplace with design integrity that have the capacity to improve how we feel, think, interact and ultimately live our daily lives. Architizer will make a selection…
Predicting social behavior and usability in architecture presents an age-old conundrum in the profes sion.
"Creation is fighting … you have to go forward, always one step ahead."
There is no doubt that new technologies are transforming the way we work. As autonomous tools and pl atforms continue to become more portable, powerful and connective, offices are decentralizing, the personal and professional realms are becoming more unified. For those designers charged with fabricating the office for this accelerated and fluid world, this task is…
This feature has been created in collaboration with urbanNext, a multi-platform aimed at developing, disseminating and distributing content centered on architecture through a focus on the contemporary human milieu and its challenges. Architizer features a weekly discussion from urbanNext’s journals to support its investigation of urban conditions and innovations facing the architectural profession today. “In…
In the German city of Bad Staffelstein, a manmade “cave” of sorts beckons leisure-seekers to a therm al bath fed by Bavaria’s hottest and most powerful saltwater spring. Obermaintherme is a 15,000-square-meter (161,500-square-foot) bath hall whose pool previously boasted a natural-stone cave feature with artificial palms for decades. But in recent years, the saltwater pool and…