Designing for Disaster Relief: Enter the Future of Shade Competition 2017 Humanitarian Challenge
This category challenges you to create the next best innovative design for disaster relief or a refu gee crisis.
Architectural case studies and material exemplars to spark your creativity and inspire your next project.
This category challenges you to create the next best innovative design for disaster relief or a refu gee crisis.
The prospect of flying cars should have architects and urban planners rethinking about how cities ma y evolve in the coming decades.
With one of the largest campuses in the United States, Stanford has three academic schools that reth ink accepted education models to build new modes of learning.
This six-acre parkland will feature artifacts from the original Raw Sugar Warehouse.
The intimate relationship with history through the careful choices of site, material and form is typ ical of Zumthor’s work.
Forever under construction or frozen in time? Witness architecture without beginnings or ends.
We’re celebrating I.M. Pei’s centennial with a roundup of his best projects!
As they design these new work-share spaces, architects must deeply consider how productivity, cooper ation and happiness are fostered through built form.
Silos hold their own weight. Today, they have become iconic landmarks symbolizing history, culture a nd place.