A Lost Arch Form: 6 Architects Resurrecting the Traditional Building Technology
From incorporating new materials to refurbishing old structures, these projects make the case that a rches should not be relegated to antiquity.
From incorporating new materials to refurbishing old structures, these projects make the case that a rches should not be relegated to antiquity.
After Giancarlo De Carlo's plans to transform this warehouse into a naval museum fell through, this treasure chest of "white gold" languished.
Architects are drawing on local culture and climate, brining Mexico’s rich concrete material heritag e into the present day.
Compressed earth blocks are proving to be a versatile and architecturally exciting solution for sust ainable projects in both rural and urban areas.
These dazzling metro station ceiling designs take the torpor out of your daily commuting experience.
New Zealand’s lush and varied rural scenery makes it an ideal location for movies sets and backdrop for architectural experimentation.
Firms are creatively using parking infrastructure as a jumping-off point for the creation of ecologi cal, recreational spaces for local residents.
Straw bales are synonymous with the countryside. Could the agricultural by-product be an urban solut ion for better insulation?
As cities grapple with an overabundance of office space and housing shortages, architects are consid ering converting offices into apartments.