From Suburbs to Hubs: Innovation Districts Usher In a New Era of Urban Planning
How can designers avoid gentrification, the loss of a city's unique character and rising housing cos ts often accompanying innovation districts?
How can designers avoid gentrification, the loss of a city's unique character and rising housing cos ts often accompanying innovation districts?
Building on the foundations of the New Urbanism movement, today's architects are approaching suburba n expansion as a tool for urban revitalization.
Can micro-cities transform urban living with high-density dynamism and mixed-use functions?
Can floating buildings can preserve at-risk waterside communities facing the devastating consequence s of climate change?
How can building code and innovative design combine to foster climate resilience through urban initi atives in coastal cities?
Architects are recognizing that there's more to subterranean construction than transportation infras tructure and storage facilities.
Can office lobbies really double as community spaces?
Here's a break down of some of the latest terminology and acronyms central to green design and susta inable urban development.
When well-designed, micro-apartments allow residents to live large with less.