We are convinced that the city of tomorrow will have to refocus on the user by creating spaces for convivia- lity and meeting, that quality and multifunctional public space is the answer to a city it is pleasant to live in and rich in encounters, places of exchange and socializa- tion.
To do this, it is necessary to give back the public city to the inhabitants by reducing drastically the space given to cars in favour of local, human-scale urban planning that gives meaning to spaces and to life in common. Generous work on animated shared spaces is essen- tial if not essential to the quality of life in our city.
Our work was carried out, as in each case by works- hops (workshop, pooling) on three themes, the study of the general context, the close context and the plot, the di erent possible implementations of the program in the eld. It is not surprising that problems raised in one workshop nd a solution in another and that the sharing of problems and solutions found at di erent scales gives answers.
Our re ection process therefore led us to explore the di erent possibilities that we could consider in order to meet our objectives for a new city, the work on a frien- dly public space, where people meet each other while improving the ows and connections of this centre with the various neighbourhoods and future developments in the surrounding area.
The proposed location chosen and developed is the one that met best our expectations in terms of public space or shared spaces to give meaning to living in the city while giving a predominant place to individuals giving a human dimension to the place and a public space to the expectation of such a project.
he orientation of this new space is much more favourable: south facing it will make it possible to enjoy a more friendly occupation. We wondered about the usefulness of the functionality of such a space, our answer after many tests is a unitary mineral space leaving the initiative and a large number of possible occupations. Giving this multifunctionalspace (market, events, places for residents to meet and relax, or perspective) invites users to take advantage of a new connection between neighbourhoods.
After studying the site, we decided to study a vertical architecture to create as much quality public space as possible, which will be mixed in the centre of the district. We are convinced that the mix between public and private functions is a contemporary response to the architectural demands of the 21st century.
In addition, the diversity of such a building also requires green spaces for these future inhabitants. We have imagined this vegetation as a continuity, a ballad that will eventually link points of interest within a new citywide centre.
These di erent spaces (public and private) are intended to be of di erent quality and de nition. These spaces will sometimes be mineral, sometimes covered, sometimes vegetal. This will allow full ownership of them for everyone.
Our desire to setup a vertical architecture, as explained above, raised the question of the viability and quality of this building on the high oors. We wanted to set up a real space for sharing and links between the three towers we propose, these spaces are seen as a real connexion, whether architectural or simply social.
At the bottom of these towers and in the continuity of the outdoor spaces setup, we have sketched out levels with more public functions. These functions, commercial, reception or sharing, will enable a centralization around these towers in an area where we are sure there will be potential and evolution as in any city over the years.