Zahor (Remember)-
Composed out of four letters dedicated to keeping Jewish memory alive.
Zayin-Kaf-Vav-Reish, these letters combine to form the shell of a memorial
vessel which encloses an eternal flame surrounded by an uninhabitable void. As
light seeps out from within the vessel, an infinite play of shadows spills onto
the ground plane as a marker of chaos sheathed in hope. Engraved with 20,000
names of Jewish havens which enabled escape, refuge, and spiritual preservation
for victims of the Holocaust, wooden panels radiate from the boardwalk and onto
the memorial forming a ‘field of resistance.’ This system of panels rises up to
sculpt the body of the vessel and its surrounding roofscape in one continuous
swoop. An overlook platform provides an
elevated view of the site, revealing a railroad track hidden below its surface.
Flanked by narrative panels, these ‘remembrance rails’ provide a structural
path for reflection, a foundation for hope amidst ineffable loss.